Friday, July 6, 2012

Papercraft Thunderhawk

A few days ago I started work on a scratch built Thunderhawk gunship using Eli Patoroch's templates. The level of detail in these templates is truly remarkable, and I encourage anyone interested in scratch building to try them out. His templates can be downloaded here. So far I have only put together the interior of the front section and painted it, but I will update this thread regularly with progress, so stay tuned.
Heres a couple of pictures:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Looted Leman Russ

Here are some lovely, early WIP pictures of my paper-craft leman russ that i started ages ago:

Some more recent ones after I decided to make it an ork vehicle:

And finally one of where I am atm:

*Note that i haven't finished painting any part of this.
And heres a link or where I got the templates for the Leman Russ